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English For Marketing And Advertising ; Livre de l'Eleve
English For Marketing And Advertising ; Livre de l'Eleve


English for Marketing and Advertising is designed for: those people who are studying English with a special focus on the world of marketing and the advertising media; people working in the fields of marketing, advertising and communication who need to brush up on their English.English for Marketing and Advertising is suitable for work in clans or for self-study. Each of the 12 units of English for Marketing and Advertising covers one particular theme - targeting the consumer, choosing the media, product endorsement, organising a campaign, ethical advertising, etc. Within each unit, the activities vary from vocabulary work to free discussion and are based for the most part on authentic material, both written and visual.The "Language in use" section in each chapter presents and practises a point of grammar that needs particular attention. English for Marketing and Advertising is also: a 60-minute CD containing dialogues, interviews and discussions for listening comprehension; "corrigé" of the exercices.

Informations générales

Date de parution
31.20 CHF
Inclus TVA 
2.6 %

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